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For more than 20 years I have been watching people of different ages. I have seen some starting their life, some living in their middle age, some approaching the last years of their life. I observed that the majority of people had a positive approach to life when they were younger.
I watched young people as they planned families, careers, bought houses, started businesses and hoped for some great success. They were making plans for long years ahead. Some of them were even including their future children and grand children in their plans. But as they grew older slowly their goals, their dreams faded away.
Those people who just started their life 20 years ago and were making great plans, now make less and less plans and their plans are only for a few years ahead. Then I have also watched those who were in their midyears when I was a young boy, as now they are passing their dreams and goals and businesses to the next generation, their children. They slowly pulled out from all their responsibilities in their businesses and life and their children took over.
Then I realized that life is so short. Most of the plans that are made when a person is young can never be finished or accomplished. Only a few years and the driving power slowly decreases until the person becomes dependent on others to help, and decide or plan instead. And when they are in this stage, most of the time their greatest plan is, to see another day.
I watched my own two grandfathers, how from strong men, full of plans and dreams they soon became powerless children again. The Apostle John wrote to us these words as an encouragement; “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” (1 John 2:14) Just imagine what could be accomplished if we would only use half of the talents the Lord has given us. Remember the courage of Daniel and his friends when they stood in front of the whole nation of Babylon witnessing for the King of Kings. You and I could do the same if we would only choose to serve the Lord while we have the power, the courage, the vigor, and the zeal.
“He (God) has chosen the youth to aid in the advancement of His cause. To plan with clear mind and execute with courageous hand demands fresh, uncrippled energies. Young men and women are invited to give God the strength of their youth, that through the exercise of their powers, through keen thought and vigorous action, they may bring glory to Him and salvation to their fellow men.” Evangelism, p. 478
Dear friend, the Lord has chosen you to work for Him. He has given you wonderful talents to use for His glory. You are very precious. He purchased you with His own blood. He died a terrible death just to save you, so you could work for Him and have eternal life. Will you give your heart to the Lord? Will you say “Here am I; send me,” as did Isaiah? Will you let the Lord use the best of your life? May God bless you my dear friend, to have the courage to make that decision.